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Monday, December 31, 2007

{Wishing for Spring...}

Is it Spring yet? I know, Winter just began, but I'm ready for Spring. Today was so warm here - 70 degrees. So I had to go outside with the kids. Here's Miss B pretending I'm not nearby - refusing to look up. Tyler was so excited to be outside! He's been dying to play outside for the past few days, but rain kept us in.
Being the last day of the year, I had to post some shots even though they don't fit with the season. Happy New Year!!

(a little bit of faded vintage...)

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Hi, you don't know me. But I ran accross your blog of a friends blog, and I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS. I am a "budding" photographer (still in the learning process) and I just love all the things you do with your photos. I just bought photoshop CS3, and im learning how to use it (self teaching) and if you have any tips at all you don't mind sharing I would really apprecaite it. Im trying to learn textures and decorative borders. Some of the video tutorials ive been watching are kinda confusing. lol. But isn't it all. haha. Anyway, if you want to give me any tips or ideas how to make my photos better, I would really appreciate it. (when you have time, you look really busy with your own adorable kids) You can leave comments on my blog. I have a photography blog off my origional blog. Thanks in advance!!