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Friday, December 28, 2007

{when mommy's on the phone...}

I was on the phone today with a client and whenever 'mommy's on the phone', Brielle is nowhere to be found. As soon as I hung up the phone I went up to her bathroom looking for her (she's obsessed with brushing her teeth). She wasn't there. Then I ran down stairs to my bedroom (she loves to 'pretend' she's sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed). She wasn't there. Lastly I looked in my bathroom. There she was standing on my chair in front of the vanity putting on my make-up. I ran to get the camera and got this picture before she saw me (the colored image). When she heard the shutter she said in a guilty but enthusiastic voice, 'Briella put make-up on - sooo cute. So pretty? Look at my lips.' Then she looked in the mirror and smiled proudly at herself. She had gotten out my lip liner and put it on 'like mommy' she said. If I ever go out of the house with my lip liner going up my lip to my nose, someone please let me know ;-) {Notice how pretty she applied the lip liner to the area above her lip - oh so pretty Briella...}

As for my son... he was completely involved with his favorite thing right now. Miniature cars from the 'CARS' movie. He loves them! I got out my camera to take some 'product shots' but when my son saw what I was doing he asked if I could take pictures of his cars - he even lined some up for me. So I took a couple of pictures :) He was giddy as he arranged his cars for the 'shoot'.
So smooth and shiny...
A little bit of texture...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i love these, cute is she?

Anonymous said...

Shelby was putting on my makeup today! And she did an acceptionally good job! Your pic's are just wonderful!!