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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Games, Giggles and a Little Defiance....

We did a little photo session with Grandma & Grandpa May when they were here. The kids had their own agenda though... who knew? And unbeknownst to me little Brielle had a horrible right ear infection. Normally she's pretty cooperative in front of the camera but on this day -- not so much. So we did what we could :) The kids really miss having their grandparents here and are incessantly asking when we are going to visit them as well as their other grandparents. It's strange not living near family but we're thankful for the visits that we have with them throughout the year. We miss everyone so much, especially as the holidays approach. Thank goodness for phones, internet and web cams...

Here's a few images taken last week.


Picture me as I am... said...

Hi Kara! What a wonderful spin on grandparent photos. They look so energetic and fun and I love how you used the wall. Great series!

One Love Photo said...

Love the framing in the last photo, very cool! Also LOVE the idea of the fireplace frame outside!