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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Feeling the music

We woke up this morning and cooked our weekend breakfast of pancakes with fresh cut fruit. In the background daddy had his Ipod going and the kids were dancing in their chairs to the music. I love that they have such a connection with music. When a country song came on daddy took my hand and asked me to dance - I danced. Once the song ended Tyler asked if we could play another 'cowboy song'. He ran upstairs and got his cowboy hat and began dancing, Brielle saw and joined him. It was so cute to see him mimic daddy and I dancing by spinning Brielle around. I grabbed my camera that was sitting nearby and got these pictures - not the best quality or composition but at least I caught a little bit of that moment.

1 comment:

whitebox weddings said...

love these! your kids are adorable!