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Monday, August 27, 2007

Eerie August Morning

Finally, it started cooling down a bit here in the South. I think we’re to normal temperatures for this time of the year…whew! Last night we had some much needed rain and with that came thunderstorms and a lightening show. It made for a fun night actually. Around 8pm it hit our area and the kids were cozy in their p.j’s jumping around with excitement. I was trying to submit an order when they came running in to ask me to watch the ‘show’ with them. Daddy had laid blankets on the floor with pillows in the bonus room and we all laid together listening to the ‘boomer’s’ and watching the lightening show. Every time the room lit up from the lightening, Brielle would say ‘oh awesome, wasn’t that awesome?’ And Tyler kept saying ‘Isn’t this the best show ever?’ It was a memory that I’ll always remember… we were so comfortable and peaceful we all almost fell asleep there for the night.
Anyway, the grass was wet from the rains last night, so Brielle wasn’t real excited for me to have her out on the grass this morning for these shots. These are the only 2 I snapped before she hurried to the house saying ‘Okay, I’m all done, bye momma, Briella’s all done, okay’ She’s definately a girl who knows what she wants and what she doesn’t want.

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